Robert Hodgetts Haley for Etherow
Robert Hodgetts-Haley has lived in the Glossopdale area throughout his life, he has played an active role within the community volunteering and campaigning, most notably to save George street woods. He has stood as a Green candidate in both local and parliamentary elections.
Robert works as a carer alongside running his own fabrication business, due to his interest in recycling he chose to get a job part time within in waste management, working for a year at the valued community asset – Glossop’s household waste recycling centre.
Robert has interests in transport and is himself a classic vehicle enthusiast intent on electrifying his historic vehicles, Robert would like to see greener transport infrastructure implemented across Derbyshire and also better, cheaper and more accessible public transport.
We need to protect what makes our area so wonderful, the environment and the people around us, that’s why the role of county councillor is so important and especially important to me, because a Green county councillor can create real change where we need it.
I have been a carer for family members for several years and have seen the struggles faced by our county’s adult care team. We have all seen how valuable our front-line workers are. We need to invest in the people who support our families and friends when they need it the most.
Sadly, we have seen constant mis-allocation of funds across the board and as stakeholders of our community we need to demand better. Better transport, the right type of housing for our communities and demand a cleaner, better, brighter and Greener future.
In this election your vote counts, we can achieve Green.